2nd edition of the National Scientific Conference “Suicidal Behaviour in Children and Adolescents”

On 23 February, we hosted the second edition of the National Scientific Conference on the subject of “Suicidal Behaviour in Children and Adolescents”. The event took place at the headquarters of Collegium Humanum in Rzeszów.


The conference was an expression of our determination and concern for the mental health of the younger generations. Statistical data clearly indicate the urgent need to take effective steps to counteract depression and self-destructive behaviours among the youngest.


The event saw many teachers, psychologists and students in attendance who are interested in the issue of suicidology. The speakers included many experts, including prof. CH dr n. med. Agnieszka Kacprzyk-Straszak and prof. CH dr Artur Grzesik.


We would like to thank the organizers for a very valuable event, which certainly contributes to a deeper understanding of the problem of suicides among children and young people.


Collegium Humanum – Branch in Rzeszów would also like to proudly announce that it has been recognized as the Best University in the Podkarpackie Voivodeship according to a ranking prepared by nowiny24.pl. We were also the most frequently chosen university in 2023 according to Nauka i Edukacja. Thank you for your trust!