
Ladies and Gentlemen,


I would kindly like to inform that as of 14 March 2024, a compulsory management was installed for the University and its related entities as a form of security. The Qualified Restructuring Advisor, Mr Bartosz Klepacz (licence no. 209), was appointed as the Administrator who is now obliged, among other things, to ensure the continuity of the University’s work and supervise the proper course of student education processes.


The priority and goal of both the University Authorities and the Administrator is to ensure the continuity of all the current works undertaken by the University as well as its regular activities. The University Authorities cooperate closely with the Administrator in the implementation of these tasks and make every effort to continue with the University’s mission uninterrupted.


I would like to highlight that the main concern of the University Authorities remains the improvement of the quality of education, provision of care for the image of the University and – above all – protection of the interests of the entire community of Collegium Humanum – Warsaw Management University.


It is the Students, Lecturers and Employees who co-create the University, while protecting the good name and interests of this community are the values of the highest priority for the University Authorities.


prof. CH. dr hab. Ilona Makowska

Provost of Collegium Humanum